Endorsed by:

Participation Internal Regulations
The Internal Regulations of the 17th Congress of the Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery with ISAPS Symposium organised by the Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (PSPRAS, PTChPRiE).
I. Definitions Used in the Internal Regulations
- Internal regulations – shall mean this document.
- Service Provider – the Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery with the seat in ul. Czerniakowska 231, 00-416 Warsaw, NIP 5261767565, REGON 010139291, correspondence address: Wschodnie Centrum Leczenia Oparzeń i Chirurgii Rekonstrukcyjnej, ul. Krasnystawska 52, 21-010 Łęczna, Poland.
- Client – a natural or legal person or a organization unit with a legal status suing the services of the Service Provider.
- Consumer – Client – a natural person using the services of the Service Provider in a manner not directly related with his business, or professional activity.
- Services – the joint name of scientific conferences, seminars, congresses, symposia, trainings, courses, workshops and any other extramural forms of education and development.
II. General Provisions
- The Internal Regulations provide for the types, scope and conditions of the Services provided by the Service Provider, the terms and conditions of the agreements for the provision of Services, as well as the complaints handling procedures.
- The Client ordering a Service hereby acknowledges that he is familiar with its description, terms and conditions and the Internal Regulations determining the provision of services by the Service Provider, and that he accepts any provisions hereof.
III. The Terms and Conditions of Service Agreements
- A service agreement is executed as at the completion of a bank transfer or any form of payment by the Client, and consequently its crediting to the bank account of the Service Provider. The ordered Service shall be the subject of the Service Agreement. The rights and obligations stipulated by the execute agreement shall be subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, Item 93, with subsequent amendments) and the Act on the Protection of Some Consumers’ Rights and the Liability for Damages Caused by a Hazardous Product (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 22, Item 271, with subsequent amendments).
- The participation in the conference shall be conditioned inter alia by the completion of the registration form, timely payment of the adequate registration fee based on the conditions provided for herein.
- The Client shall receive an e-mail with the confirmation of his order no later than 5 business days preceding the provision of the Service.
- Any prices stated at www.17zjazd.ptchprie.pl are the prices denominated in the Polish currency (PLN) and they include VAT tax, unless it is stated otherwise. The price provided for any service shall be binding until the submission of an order. The Service Provider shall be entitled to change the prices, or cancel any of the services without any prior notice. The changes of the prices or an offer shall not be applicable to the paid up orders, or orders in progress.
- The Client shall make the payment for the Service pursuant to the price list published on the Internet website, based on the privileges to which he is entitled and by the deadline determined for such payments.
- The value of a due payment shall be determined by the payment date and not the date on which the registration form is filled in. The payments shall be deemed as effectively made as it is credited at the respective bank account of the Service Provider.
- Payments may be made by means of a traditional electronic bank transfer, in the PayU system, using payment cards or electronic online payments.
- Any notices sent by the Service Provider to the Client shall be electronically sent at the e-mail provided by the Client.
IV. Terms and Conditions of the Services and Termination of the Service Agreements
- Any Services shall be provided according to the programme and based on the conditions stated on Service Provider’s website.
- Information about the topic and scope of the individual Services, their dates and the period of their provisions is available in the description of a given Service.
- The price of a Service shall include the materials for the Client, indispensible for the correct performance of a Service (hardcopies, electronic copies or other forms, depending on the training needs), as well as water, coffee and tea. The price shall not include the transportation costs, parking costs, board, accommodation and other Client’s costs, unless the description of Service as published on the Internet website stipulates otherwise.
- Any education materials developed for the purposes and during the provision of Service shall be subject to the Copy Right Laws.
- Any materials developed during the provisions of a Service and made public by the Service Provider may be kept or printed only for private and non-commercial purposes with the disclosure of information about their origin in case of any application of such materials. The Service Provider shall not allow for any distribution, modification, transfer, printing, copying or public display of any materials developed during the provision of the Service and after such provision is completed.
- The application of any materials developed during and for the purposes of the provision of a Service which is for commercial purposes, other than private purposes, shall require an individual written approval of the Service Provider.
- In case of the Services provided to a limited number of participants, the Service Provider shall reserve the right to earlier completion of the registration procedure subject to availability. The acceptance shall be conditioned by the order of the correct paid up registration forms. The registration forms received after the completion of the registration procedure shall be shortlisted.
- The Service Provider shall reserve the right to modify the scientific and social programme at any time.
The Service Provider shall reserve the right to cancel the provision of a Service, if:
a) the required minimum number of Clients are not enrolled,
b) due to other organization reasons beyond the control of the Service Provider. - The Client shall be entitled to design from the Service and claim the reimbursement of the incurred costs in the amount of the paid up amount as decreased by the value of the commission charged by the PayU system and determined in the agreement executed between the Service Provider and PayU, provided that the resignation is submitted before the deadline stated by the Service Provider on the Internet website of a given Service. In case of a resignation, a Client shall notify the Service Provider about this fact by an e-mail. The reimbursement of the registration fee to the Client shall be executed within 14 days since the submission of a correct resignation notice to the Service Provider. Any resignation submitted after that deadline shall result in the calculation of damages and deduction of such damages from the reimbursed amount of the registration fee. The resignation date shall be deemed as the date on which the respective resignation notice is received.
- Should any Service be cancelled by the Service Provider, the Treasurer of the Service Provider shall reimburse the charged amounts within 14 days since of submission of a respective notice by the Service Provider.
- The absence of a Client during the performance of a Service shall not exempt him from his obligation to pay for the Service.
V. The Complaints Handling Procedure
- Complaints may be submitted to the Service Provider in writing at the address of the Service Provider provided in the Internal Regulations, no later than within 14 days since the completion of a Service.
A complaint submission form shall include:
a) Client’s first and last name/ firm
b) Client’s address of residence/ seat
c) description of the complaint scope and justification;
d) definition of Client’s claims in respect to the Service Provider - The submitted claims shall be considered no later than within 14 days since the receipt of the complaint by the Service Provider.
VI. Personal Data Protection
- Client’s personal data shall be filed and kept to the extent necessary for the settlement of the transaction and pursuing the claims related to the payments for the purchased Services.
- Based on Client’s approval, the collected information may be kept in a single or multiple data bases directly or indirectly operated by the administrator of the Service Provider, or any third parties cooperating with the Service Provider within a given Service.
- The administrator shall apply any reasonable safety measures and compliant with the generally applied principles ensuring protection of information confidentiality.
VII. Final Provisions
- The Internal Regulations shall become effective as their publication on the Internet website of the Service Provider and they shall remain in force for indefinite period of time.
- Issues not regulated herein shall be subject to the provisions of the Civil Code. The provisions of these Internal Regulations do not infringe the Consumer’s rights as provided for based on specific regulations which are superior in respect to the provisions of these Internal Regulations.
- Any disputes arising between the Service Provider and a Client related to the execution of these Internal Regulations shall be amicably settled by the parties, and should this happen to be ineffective, such disputes shall be submitted to the common court.
- The Polish language shall be the official language of these Internal Regulations. In case of any discrepancies between the Polish and English language versions, the Polish language version shall prevail.
- The agreement shall be subject to the Polish laws in force and any issues not regulated herein shall be subject to the provisions of the Civil Code. Any disputes arising from the performance of the agreement shall be submitted to the Polish common courts, competent for the seat of the Organizer.